The Leadership and Development Program encourages and enables students to undertake a journey of developing skills in leadership, which will prepare them to take on important leadership positions and effectively lead teams of people with diverse backgrounds.
The program provides students with a clear framework through which they can think about and hone their leadership skills, including many and varied resources that will help them to contextualize their academic and meta-curricular experiences, and to grow in key areas of awareness and skills that are critical for leadership.

We help leaders and organizations become change-ready and change-able.
We are in a world that is—and will remain—fundamentally unpredictable, ambiguous and volatile. It will never settle down or get back to “normal”… and, methods and mindsets that served us so well in the past are no longer sufficient. We explore in partnership with clients what is required, in a world of growing uncertainty, to engage with ongoing change while still maintaining predictability and reliability. Our work is not with everyone, but rather with those leaders and practitioners who are working on the edges of innovation in their industry and for whom the following promises are meaningful and compelling.
Practice areas
Practitioner development
We are in a world that is—and will remain—unpredictable, ambiguous and volatile. Yet our professional tools, methods and mind sets are not sufficient for this world. They fail to fully address relationships, individual expression.
We work with practitioners to develop the ability to fully embrace change. Those who take on this work will:
Master the tools, language and frameworks for engaging with change as an on-going condition, not an isolated event
Develop their unique expression and presence as a practitioner
Become a reliable developer of others’ capability to engage with change as an on-going condition.
If you seek the ability to shape change-able organizations, this work will provide the means to do so.
Intra/Entrepreneur development
To reliably manifest new realities, one needs to articulate that new reality in language the current reality can understand. What keeps new realities from fully manifesting is the lack of engagement with appropriate tools, frameworks and language to bring the vision into legitimate enough form others can commit to and act on.
We work with Intra/Entrepreneurs to develop creative and innovation mastery. Those who take on this work will:
Master a cradle-to-cradle framework for bringing new realities into existence
Gain the inter- and intra-personal requirements of doing creative work
Realize a breakthrough, a creation of something that was not possible in their existing reality.
If reliably bringing new realities into existence is your focus, this practice area will help you build that mastery.
Executive development
Being an effective sponsor of change requires us to become an experienced guide between two realities. One reality is what you helped build, the one that exists today. The other is a new reality that you might or might not fully understand, but need to support those who are driven to see it manifest.
We work with executives to accelerate their leadership development. Those who take on this work will:
Master the tools, language and frameworks to be an effective guide and sponsor for those bringing about change
Develop their unique expression and presence as a leader of change.
If you are committed to your development as a sponsor of change, this is a practice area worth exploring for you and your team.
Personal development
We have the power to choose our future and define our world and our inter- actions within it. However, what keeps our power at bay is the pace at which our world is changing. Most of us feel powerless to do nothing more than react to that change.
Those who work with us establish new ways to relate to change and our work together will:
Develop ways to see the world that provide significantly more choice and self-accountability.
Establish ways to engage with change as a driver of personal development
If personal sovereignty and having a say in change is what you seek, this work will afford you a profound say in your future.